Bayesian Inference with Linear Model
At the time of this writing, Nim does not have any libraries for conducting Bayesian inference. However, it is quite easy for us to write all of the necessary code ourselves. This is a good exercise for learning about Bayesian inference and the syntax and speed of Nim make it an excellent choice for the this. In this tutorial we will walk through the different parts needed to perform Bayesian inference with a linear model. We will assume that you have some basic understanding of Bayesian inference already. There are many excellent introductions available in books and online.
Bayes theorem states:
$$ P(\theta|\text{Data}) = \frac{P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)}{P(\text{Data})}$$
Each of these terms are referred to as:
$$ \text{Posterior} = \frac{\text{Likelihood} \cdot \text{Prior}}{\text{Marginal Likelihood}}$$
A marginal probability $P(\text{Data}) $ can be discrete probability distribution where $P(\text{Data}) = \sum_{\theta}P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)$ so the posterior probability distribution is:
$$ P(\theta|\text{Data}) = \frac{P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)}{\sum_{\theta}P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)}$$
Or a marginal probability can be a continuous probability distribution where $P(\text{Data}) = \int d\theta P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)$ so the posterior probability distribution is:
$$ P(\theta|\text{Data}) = \frac{P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)}{\int d\theta P(\text{Data}|\theta)P(\theta)}$$
In this tutorial we will condsider a simple linear model $ y_{i} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x_{i} + \epsilon_{i} $ where $\epsilon \sim N(0, \tau)$. Under this model, the parameters $\beta_0$ (y intercept) and $\beta_1$ (slope), describe the relationship between a predictor variable $x$ and a response variable $y$, with some unaccounted for residual random error ($\epsilon$) which is normally distributed with a mean of $0$ and standard deviation $\tau$.
We will estimate the values of the slope ($\beta_{0}$), the y-intercept ($\beta_{1}$), and the standard deviation of the residual random error ($\tau$) from observed $x$ and $y$ data.
Expressing this with Bayes rule gives us:
$$ \displaystyle P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau | Data) = \frac{P(Data|\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau) P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau)} {\iiint d\beta_{0} d\beta_{1} d\tau P(Data|\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau) P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau)} $$
Generate Data
We need some data to work with. Let's simulate data under the model wth $\beta_{0}=0$, $\beta_{1}=1$, and $\tau=1$:
$ y = 0 + 1x + \epsilon$ where $\epsilon \sim N(0, 1) $
import std/sequtils, std/random, std/stats
n = 100
b0 = 0.0
b1 = 1.0
sd = 1.0
x = newSeq[float](n)
y = newSeq[float](n)
for i in 0 ..< n:
x[i] = rand(0.0..100.0)
y[i] = b0 + (b1 * x[i]) + gauss(0.0, sd)
We can use ggplotnim
to see what these data look like.
import datamancer, ggplotnim
var sim = toDf(x, y)
ggplot(sim, aes("x", "y")) +
geom_point() +
We need to choose prior probability distributions for each of the model parameters that we are estimating. Let's use a normal distribution for the priors on $\beta_{0}$ and $\beta_{1}$. The $\tau$ parameter must be a positive value greater than 0 so let's use the gamma distribution as the prior on $\tau$.
$$ \beta_{0} \sim Normal(\mu_{0}, \sigma^{2})$$ $$ \beta_{1} \sim Normal(\mu_{1}, \sigma^{2})$$ $$ \tau \sim Gamma(\kappa_{0}, \theta_{0})$$
To calculate the prior probabilities of proposed model parameter values, we will need the proability density functions for these distributions.
Normal PDF
$$ p(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^{2}} $$
Gamma PDF
$$ p(x) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(k)\theta^{k}} x^{k-1} e^{-\frac{x}{\theta}} $$
import std/math
proc normalPdf(x, m, s: float): float =
result = E.pow((-0.5 * ((x - m) / s)^2)) / (s * sqrt(2.0 * PI))
proc gammaPdf(x, k, t: float): float =
result = x.pow(k - 1.0) * E.pow(-(x / t)) / (gamma(k) * t.pow(k))
We now need to decide how to parameterize these prior probability densities. Since this is for the purpose of demonstration, let's use very informed priors so that we can quickly get a good sample from the posterior.
$$ \beta_{0} \sim Normal(0, 1)$$ $$ \beta_{1} \sim Normal(1, 1)$$ $$ \tau \sim Gamma(1, 1)$$
In a real analysis, the priors should encompass all values that we consider possible and it may also be a good idea to examine how sensitive the analysis is to the choice of priors.
Normal = object
mu: float
sigma: float
Gamma = object
k: float
sigma: float
Priors = object
b0: Normal
b1: Normal
sd: Gamma
var priors = Priors(
b0: Normal(mu:0.0, sigma:10.0),
b1: Normal(mu:1.0, sigma:10.0),
sd: Gamma(k:1.0, sigma:10.0))
Now that we have prior probability density functions for each model parameter that we are estimating, we need to be able to compute the joint prior probability for all of the parameters of the model. We will actually be using the $ln$ of the probabilities to reduce rounding error since these values can be quite small.
proc logPrior(priors: Priors, b0, b1, sd: float ): float =
b0Prior = ln(normalPdf(b0,, priors.b0.sigma))
b1Prior = ln(normalPdf(b1,, priors.b1.sigma))
sdPrior = ln(gammaPdf(sd,,
result = b0Prior + b1Prior + sdPrior
We need to be able to calculate the likelihood of the observed $y_{i}$ values given the observed $x_{i}$ values and the model parameter values, $\beta_{0}$, $\beta_{1}$, and $\tau$.
We can write the model in a slightly different way:
$$\mu = \beta_{0} +\beta_{1} x$$ $$ y \sim N(\mu, \tau) $$
Then to compute the likelihood for a given set of $\beta_{0}$, $\beta_{1}$, $\tau$ parameters and data values $x_{i}$ and $y_{i}$ we use the normal probability density function which we wrote before to compute our prior probabilities. We will work with the $ln$ of the likelihood as we did with the priors.
proc logLikelihood(x, y: seq[float], b0, b1, sd: float): float =
var likelihoods = newSeq[float](y.len)
for i in 0 ..< y.len:
let pred = b0 + (b1 * x[i])
likelihoods[i] = ln(normalPdf(y[i], pred, sd))
result = sum(likelihoods)
We cannot analytically solve the posterior probability distribution of our linear model as the integration of the marginal likelihood is intractable.
But we can approximate it with markov chain monte carlo (MCMC) thanks to this property of Bayes rule:
$$ \displaystyle P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau | Data) \propto P(Data|\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau) P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau) $$
The marginal likelihood is a normalizing constant. Without it, we no longer have a probability density function. But the relative probability of a given set of parameter values to another set is the same. We only care about which parameter values are most probable so this is enough for us. We can determine which values have higher probability by randomly walking through parameter space while accepting or rejecting new values based on how probable they are.
proc logPosterior(x, y: seq[float], priors: Priors, b0, b1, sd: float): float =
like = logLikelihood(x, y, b0, b1, sd)
prior = logPrior(priors, b0, b1, sd)
result = like + prior
We will use a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to approximate the unnormalized posterior. The steps of this algorithm are as follows:
Initialize arbitrary starting values for each model parameter.
Compute the unnormalized posterior probability density for the initialized model parameter values given the observed data.
Propose a new value for one of the model parameters by randomly drawing from a symetrical distribition centered on the present value. We will use a normal
distribution. 4. Compute the unnormalized posterior probabity density for the proposed model parameters values given the observed data. 5. Compute the ratio of the proposed probability density to the previous probability density. $ \alpha = \frac{P(\beta_{0}\prime, \beta_{1}\prime, \tau\prime | Data)}{P(\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \tau | Data)} $ This is called the acceptance ratio. 6. All proposals with greater probability than the current state are accepted. So a proposeal is accepted if the acceptance ratio is greater than 1. If the acceptance ratio is less than 1 then it is accepted with probability \alpha. In practice we can make a random draw from a uniform distribution ranging from 0 to 1 and accept proposals anytime the acceptance ratio is less than the random uniform variate, $ \alpha < r \sim Uniform(0, 1)$. 7. If a proposal is accepted then we will update the parameter in our model with a new state. Otherwise the state will remain the same as before. 8. We then repeat steps 3-7 until reaching a desired number of iterations that we believe give us an adequate sample from the unnormalized posterior distribution.
Note: When proposing values for $\tau$ from a normal distribution. It is possible for proposals to be less than one. However, the gamma prior probability distribution ranges from 0 to infinity meaning proposals of less than one are not valid and must be rejected. Fortunately, this approach still gives us a proper sample of the targeted unnormalized posterior probability distribution.
MCMC = object
x: seq[float]
y: seq[float]
nSamples: int
priors: Priors
propSd: float
Samples = object
n: int
b0: seq[float]
b1: seq[float]
sd: seq[float]
proc run(m: MCMC, b0Start, b1Start, sdStart: float): Samples =
b0Samples = newSeq[float](m.nSamples)
b1Samples = newSeq[float](m.nSamples)
sdSamples = newSeq[float](m.nSamples)
logProbs = newSeq[float](m.nSamples)
b0Samples[0] = b0Start
b1Samples[0] = b1Start
sdSamples[0] = sdStart
logProbs[0] = logPosterior(m.x, m.y, m.priors, b0Start, b1Start, sdStart)
for i in 1..<m.nSamples:
b0Proposed = gauss(b0Samples[i-1], m.propSd)
b1Proposed = gauss(b1Samples[i-1], m.propSd)
sdProposed = gauss(sdSamples[i-1], m.propSd)
if sdProposed > 0.0:
logProbProposed = logPosterior(m.x, m.y, m.priors, b0Proposed, b1Proposed, sdProposed)
ratio = exp(logProbProposed - logProbs[i-1])
if rand(1.0) < ratio:
b0Samples[i] = b0proposed
b1Samples[i] = b1proposed
sdSamples[i] = sdproposed
logProbs[i] = logProbProposed
b0Samples[i] = b0Samples[i-1]
b1Samples[i] = b1Samples[i-1]
sdSamples[i] = sdSamples[i-1]
logProbs[i] = logProbs[i-1]
b0Samples[i] = b0Samples[i-1]
b1Samples[i] = b1Samples[i-1]
sdSamples[i] = sdSamples[i-1]
logProbs[i] = logProbs[i-1]
result = Samples(n:m.nSamples, b0:b0Samples, b1:b1Samples, sd:sdSamples)
Let's use this code to generate 100,000 samples. We'll cheat a bit and use the parameters that the data were simulated under as starting values to speed things up. A standard deviation of 0.1 seems to work pretty well for the proposal distribution of each parameter.
mcmc = MCMC(x:x, y:y, nSamples:100000, priors:priors, propSd:0.1)
samples =, 1.0, 1.0)
In some analyses, the posterior probability distribution could be multimodal which might make the MCMC chain sensitive to the starting value as it may get stuck in a local optimum and not sample from the full posterior distribtion. It is therefore a good idea to acquire multiple samples with different starting values to see if they converge on the same parameter estimates. Here we will run our MCMC one more time with some different starting values
var samples2 =, 1.01, 1.1)
Trace plots
We can get a sense for how well our mcmc performed and therefore gain some sense for how good our estimates might be by looking at the trace plots. Trace plots show the parameter values stored during each step in the mcmc chain. Either the accepted proposal value or the previous value if the proposal was rejected. Trace plots can be an unreliable indicator of mcmc performance so it is a good idea to assess it with other strategies as well.
import std/strformat
proc plotTraces(samples: seq[Samples], prefix: string) =
sample = newSeq[seq[int]](samples.len)
chain = newSeq[seq[int]](samples.len)
for i in 0 ..< samples.len:
sample[i] = toSeq(1 .. samples[i].n)
chain[i] = repeat(i+1, samples[i].n )
df = toDf({
"sample": concat(sample),
"chain": concat(chain),
"b0": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b0)),
"b1": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b1)),
"sd": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] =
ggplot(df, aes(x="sample", y="b0")) +
geom_line(aes(color="chain")) +
ggplot(df, aes(x="sample", y="b1")) +
geom_line(aes(color="chain")) +
ggplot(df, aes(x="sample", y="sd")) +
geom_line(aes(color="chain")) +
plotTraces(@[samples, samples2], "images/trace-")
INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to.
Initially the mcmc chain may spend time exploring unlikely regions of parameter space. We can get a better approximation of the posterior if we exclude these early steps in the chain. These excluded samples are referred to as the burnin. A burnin of 10% seems to be more than enough with our informative priors and starting values.
proc burn(samples: Samples, p: float): Samples =
burnIx = (samples.n.float * p)
n = samples.n - burnIx
b0 = samples.b0[burnIx..^1]
b1 = samples.b1[burnIx..^1]
sd =[burnIx..^1]
result = Samples(n:n, b0:b0, b1:b1, sd:sd)
burnin1 = burn(samples, 0.1)
burnin2 = burn(samples2, 0.1)
Now that we have our post burnin samples, let's see what our posterior probability distributions look like for each model paramter.
proc plotHistograms(samples: seq[Samples], prefix: string) =
var chain = newSeq[seq[int]](samples.len)
for i in 0 ..< samples.len:
chain[i] = repeat(i+1, samples[i].n )
df = toDf({
"chain": concat(chain),
"b0": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b0)),
"b1": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b1)),
"sd": concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] =
ggplot(df, aes(x="b0", fill="chain")) +
geom_histogram(position="identity", alpha=some(0.5)) +
ggplot(df, aes(x="b1", fill="chain")) +
geom_histogram(position="identity", alpha=some(0.5)) +
ggplot(df, aes(x="sd", fill="chain")) +
geom_histogram(position="identity", alpha=some(0.5)) +
plotHistograms(@[burnin1, burnin2], "images/hist-")
INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to.
Posterior Summarization
It's always great to visualize your results. But it's also useful to calculate some summary statistics for the posterior. There are several different ways you could do this.
Combine Chains
Before we summarize the posterior. Let's combine the samples into one. Since we have determined that our MCMC is performing well, we can be confident that each post burnin sample is a sample of the same distribution.
proc concat(samples: seq[Samples]): Samples =
n = concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): int = x.n))
b0 = concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b0))
b1 = concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] = x.b1))
sd = concat(map(samples, proc(x: Samples): seq[float] =
result = Samples(n:sum(n), b0:b0, b1:b1, sd:sd)
var burnin = concat(@[burnin1, burnin2])
Posterior means
One way to summarize the estimates of the posterior distributions is to simply calculate the mean. Let's see how close these values are to the true values of the parameters.
import stats
meanB0 = mean(burnin.b0).round(3)
meanB1 = mean(burnin.b1).round(3)
meanSd = mean(
echo "Mean b0: ", meanB0
echo "Mean b1: ", meanB1
echo "Mean sd: ", meanSd
Mean b0: 0.172 Mean b1: 0.997 Mean sd: 1.124
Credible Intervals
The means give us a point estimate for our parameter values but they tell us nothing about the uncertainty of our estimates. We can get a sense for that by looking at credible intervals. There are two widely used approaches for this, equal tailed intervals, and highest density intervals. These will often match each other closely when the target distribution is unimodal and symetric. We will calculate the 89% interval for each of these below. Why 89%? Why not? Credible interval threshold values are completely arbitrary.
Equal Tailed Interval
In this interval, the probability of being below the interval is equal to the probability of being above the interval.
import algorithm
proc quantile(samples: seq[float], interval: float): float =
s = sorted(samples, system.cmp[float])
k = float(s.len - 1) * interval
f = floor(k)
c = ceil(k)
if f == c:
result = s[int(k)]
d0 = s[int(f)] * (c - k)
d1 = s[int(c)] * (k - f)
result = d0 + d1
proc eti(samples: seq[float], interval: float): (float, float) =
p = (1 - interval) / 2
q0 = quantile(samples, p)
q1 = quantile(samples, 1 - p)
result = (q0, q1)
(b0EtiMin, b0EtiMax) = eti(burnin.b0, 0.89)
(b1EtiMin, b1EtiMax) = eti(burnin.b1, 0.89)
(sdEtiMin, sdEtiMax) = eti(, 0.89)
echo "Eti b0: ", b0EtiMin.round(3), " - ", b0EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti b1: ", b1EtiMin.round(3), " - ", b1EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti sd: ", sdEtiMin.round(3), " - ", sdEtiMax.round(3)
Eti b0: -0.178 - 0.527 Eti b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Eti sd: 1.005 - 1.26
Highest Posterior Density Interval
In this interval, all values inside of the interval have a higher probability density than values outside of the interval.
proc hdi(samples: seq[float], credMass: float): (float, float) =
sortedSamples = sorted(samples, system.cmp[float])
ciIdxInc = int(floor(credMass * float(sortedSamples.len)))
nCIs = sortedSamples.len - ciIdxInc
var ciWidth = newSeq[float](nCIs)
for i in 0..<nCIs:
ciWidth[i] = sortedSamples[i + ciIdxInc] - sortedSamples[i]
minCiWidthIx = minIndex(ciWidth)
hdiMin = sortedSamples[minCiWidthIx]
hdiMax = sortedSamples[minCiWidthIx + ciIdxInc]
result = (hdiMin, hdiMax)
(b0HdiMin, b0HdiMax) = hdi(burnin.b0, 0.89)
(b1HdiMin, b1HdiMax) = hdi(burnin.b1, 0.89)
(sdHdiMin, sdHdiMax) = hdi(, 0.89)
echo "Hdi b0: ", b0HdiMin.round(3), " - ", b0HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi b1: ", b1HdiMin.round(3), " - ", b1HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi sd: ", sdHdiMin.round(3), " - ", sdHdiMax.round(3)
Hdi b0: -0.172 - 0.533 Hdi b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Hdi sd: 1.001 - 1.25
Standardize Data
The $\beta_{0}$ (intercept) and $\beta_{1}$ (slope) parameters of a linear model present a bit of a challenge for MCMC because believable values for them are tightly correlated. This means that a lot proposed values will be rejected and the chain will not move efficiently. An easy way to get around this problem is to standardize our data by rescaling them relative to their mean and standard deviation.
$$ \zeta_{x_{i}} = \frac{x_{i} - \bar{x}}{SD_{x}} $$ $$ \zeta_{y_{i}} = \frac{y_{i} - \bar{y}}{SD_{y}} $$
xSt = newSeq[float](n)
ySt = newSeq[float](n)
xMean = mean(x)
xSd = standardDeviation(x)
yMean = mean(y)
ySd = standardDeviation(y)
We can see that both the $y$ and $x$ values are now centered around zero and have the same scale.
var standardized = toDf(xSt, ySt)
ggplot(standardized, aes(x="xSt", y="ySt")) +
geom_point() +
We can now run the MCMC just as before with some minor changes. The standard deviation $\tau$ for the standardized data is going to be much smaller. Let's make the prior more informative. The standard deviation of the proposal distribution used before would result in most proposals being rejected so we should use a smaller value this time. Finally we should use some different starting values than before.
st_priors = Priors(
b0: Normal(mu:0.0, sigma:1.0),
b1: Normal(mu:1.0, sigma:1.0),
sd: Gamma(k:0.0035, sigma:1.0))
st_mcmc = MCMC(x:xSt, y:ySt, nSamples:100000, priors:st_priors, propSd:0.001)
st_samples1 =, 1.0, 0.0034)
st_samples2 =, 1.01, 0.0036)
Convert back to original scale
To interpret these estimates we need to convert back to the original scale. $$ \beta_{0} = \zeta_{0} SD_{y} + \bar{y} - \zeta_{1} SD_{y} \bar{x} / SD_{x} $$ $$ \beta_{1} = \zeta_{1} SD_{y} / SD_{x} $$ $$ \tau = \zeta_{\tau} * SD_{y} $$
proc backTransform(samples: Samples, xMean, xSd, yMean, ySd: float): Samples =
b0 = newSeq[float](samples.n)
b1 = newSeq[float](samples.n)
sd = newSeq[float](samples.n)
for i in 0 ..< samples.n:
b0[i] = samples.b0[i] * ySd + yMean - samples.b1[i] * ySd * xMean / xSd
b1[i] = samples.b1[i] * ySd / xSd
sd[i] =[i] * ySd
result = Samples(n:samples.n, b0:b0, b1:b1, sd:sd)
st_samples_trans1 = backTransform(st_samples1, xMean, xSd, yMean, ySd)
st_samples_trans2 = backTransform(st_samples2, xMean, xSd, yMean, ySd)
Let's have a look at the trace plots.
plotTraces(@[st_samples_trans1, st_samples_trans2], "images/trace-st-")
INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `sample` has been automatically determined to be continuous. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_discrete()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. Or apply a `factor` to the column name in the `aes` call, i.e. `aes(..., factor("sample"), ...)`. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to.
It looks like more of the proposals were accepted and we have a much better sample from the posterior.
Let's get a post burnin sample as we did before.
st_burnin1 = burn(st_samples_trans1, 0.1)
st_burnin2 = burn(st_samples_trans2, 0.1)
Now we can have a look at the posterior distribution of our estimates.
plotHistograms(@[st_burnin1, st_burnin2], "images/hist-st-")
INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to. INFO: The integer column `chain` has been automatically determined to be discrete. To overwrite this behavior add a `+ scale_x/y_continuous()` call to the plotting chain. Choose `x` or `y` depending on which axis this column refers to.
These look pretty good but it's hard to know how they compare to the previous MCMC estimates. Let's summarize the posterior to get a better idea.
var st_burnin = concat(@[st_burnin1, st_burnin2])
st_meanB0 = mean(st_burnin.b0).round(3)
st_meanB1 = mean(st_burnin.b1).round(3)
st_meanSd = mean(
echo "Mean b0: ", meanB0
echo "Mean b1: ", meanB1
echo "Mean sd: ", meanSd
(st_b0EtiMin, st_b0EtiMax) = eti(st_burnin.b0, 0.89)
(st_b1EtiMin, st_b1EtiMax) = eti(st_burnin.b1, 0.89)
(st_sdEtiMin, st_sdEtiMax) = eti(, 0.89)
echo "Eti b0: ", st_b0EtiMin.round(3), " - ", st_b0EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti b1: ", st_b1EtiMin.round(3), " - ", st_b1EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti sd: ", st_sdEtiMin.round(3), " - ", st_sdEtiMax.round(3)
(st_b0HdiMin, st_b0HdiMax) = hdi(st_burnin.b0, 0.89)
(st_b1HdiMin, st_b1HdiMax) = hdi(st_burnin.b1, 0.89)
(st_sdHdiMin, st_sdHdiMax) = hdi(, 0.89)
echo "Hdi b0: ", st_b0HdiMin.round(3), " - ", st_b0HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi b1: ", st_b1HdiMin.round(3), " - ", st_b1HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi sd: ", st_sdHdiMin.round(3), " - ", st_sdHdiMax.round(3)
Mean b0: 0.172 Mean b1: 0.997 Mean sd: 1.124 Eti b0: -0.167 - 0.516 Eti b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Eti sd: 0.993 - 1.25 Hdi b0: -0.17 - 0.513 Hdi b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Hdi sd: 0.985 - 1.24
In comparison to the previous mcmc results shown below, it looks like the standardized analysis was actually pretty similar. But we can have greater confidence after using the standardized analysis because we got a better posterior sample.
echo "Mean b0: ", meanB0
echo "Mean b1: ", meanB1
echo "Mean sd: ", meanSd
echo "Eti b0: ", b0EtiMin.round(3), " - ", b0EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti b1: ", b1EtiMin.round(3), " - ", b1EtiMax.round(3)
echo "Eti sd: ", sdEtiMin.round(3), " - ", sdEtiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi b0: ", b0HdiMin.round(3), " - ", b0HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi b1: ", b1HdiMin.round(3), " - ", b1HdiMax.round(3)
echo "Hdi sd: ", sdHdiMin.round(3), " - ", sdHdiMax.round(3)
Mean b0: 0.172 Mean b1: 0.997 Mean sd: 1.124 Eti b0: -0.178 - 0.527 Eti b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Eti sd: 1.005 - 1.26 Hdi b0: -0.172 - 0.533 Hdi b1: 0.991 - 1.003 Hdi sd: 1.001 - 1.25
Final Note
We could have simply and more efficiently done all of this using least squares regression. However the Bayesian approach allows us to very easily and intuitively express uncertainty about our estimates and can be easily extended to much more complex models for which there are not such simple solutions. We could also incorporate prior knowledge or assumptions in a way not possible with frequentist approaches. The exercise above provides a starting point for this and shows just how easy it is to do with Nim!