proc alleleCount[T: Nucleotide](align: Alignment[T]; col: int): int
- N counted as missing data. Source Edit
proc alleleCount[T: StrictNucleotide](align: Alignment[T]; col: int): int
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proc colCharacterCount[T](a: Alignment[T]; col: int; chars: set[T]): int
- Count number of characters in row belonging to chars set. Doesn't account for ambiguous characters Source Edit
proc filterColumns[T](a: Alignment[T]; filter: set[T]): Alignment[T]
- Filter columns for which the set of character states is equal or a subset of the given set. Source Edit
proc filterSamples[T](a: Alignment[T]; samples: seq[string]): Alignment[T]
- Filter samples matching sample ids contained in samples Source Edit
proc newAlignment[T](nseqs, nchars: int): Alignment[T]
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proc newAlignment[T](nseqs, nchars: int; ids: seq[string]; data: seq[T]): Alignment[ T]
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proc numPolymorphicSites[T](align: Alignment[T]): int
- Returns the number of polymorphic (segregating) sites in the alignment. Source Edit
proc rowCharacterCount[T](a: Alignment[T]; row: int; chars: set[T]): int
- Count number of characters in row belonging to chars set. Doesn't account for ambiguous characters Source Edit